Special thanks to: Mia for her swedish translations and Ryan for his drawing's ideas!


Welcome everyone!

       I'm the lil'cat who made this website and drawn Mattias's silly adventures.
       If you like this without-any-story cartoon you can send me an email with your name and address and you will receive the printed little freaky book of thoses adventures!

--> my e-mail

And if you have any question or any suggestion for a next adventure or about the site don't forget the guestbook or mail me!

My hairy crazy friend from Florida, US, who has always new freaky ideas !

   His head is a brainstorming place! I think he got some freaky little people dressed in suits under his hair telling him their strange ideas! Then he can get 46 ideas a second! This guy is amazing!

If you want to write him some romantic love letters here   is his email!